Expropriation is an instrument of social revolution. Even corporate media couldn’t get past this story! The civilian population and humanitarian groups in Ukraine this winter, with constant shutdowns in electricity and heating, especially need funds. You can donate to our online newsletter for continuous work volunteer activities joining this fundraising. A couple of cups of coffee in your country even before the war could be equivalent in price to the daily wage of a worker in Ukraine. Many thanks everyone in advance!
Monthly Archives: January 2023
Expropriation in a supermarket in area of Ilisia by Anarchists
On Thursday 22 December we carried out an expropriation at the Market supermarket in the neighbourhood of Iisia and the products were shared among the people at the adjacent street market. If the legality of the State has taught us anything, it is that it can steal in a legal way. From morning to night we work grueling hours, running around like crazy and unable to make it through the month. We practically live just to work.
State and bosses devalue our entire life in every possible way. They rob us through wage labour. They execute us with the cops on the streets. They torture and rape us in the police stations. They drown us at the borders. They throw us out of our homes.This is their world of legitimacy.
The supermarkets have multiplied their profits, especially from the pandemic period to today, in times of the “energy crisis”. For us, we saw the shopping basket as the ultimate irony against our wellbeing. So we thought it right to fill our own by taking back at least the minimum of all that has been stolen from us through our legal dispossession, along with the time stolen from our lives.
Expropriation is the principle against conformity and submission. We call for the immediate multiplication of similar actions in all cities. During the action, thousands of flyers were thrown with slogans such as:
“Attack on supermarkets, refusal of payment, war on the bosses’ war”
“Destitution is the shopping basket, violence to the violence of capitalism”
“Precision is theft and class violence, everything for everyone”
“We don’t just want the basket, we want the whole supermarket”.
“Living on benefits, surviving on installments, conflicts, strikes, expropriations”
We were not surprised by the complete concealment of the action by the establishment media. We know that they are terrified of the generalisation of similar actions, but also of any form of social indiscipline. We will overcome this obstacle with our imagination.
We reserve the right